Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Pure Kindergarten

 A few weeks ago Linda and I went to our grandson Gabe's kindergarten play. This was Birch Grove Elementary School's annual performance of the epic story of The Tale of Peter Rabbit and it was brilliantly conceived and executed. You knew that the performance was in competent hands when the teacher had all of the kids get on stage and wave to their families before the performance.

Gabe had two roles, tending the garden gate (on the right) and as a stagehand. Both were taken very seriously. You've got to love the flowers.
Attentive parents and a curious little brother. 
Watching this time-honored tradition reminded me of my own kindergarten days. I don't recall that we performed Peter Rabbit, but the entire milieu was remarkably unchanged over the years. In my day we would have had the popping of flashbulbs in the audience. The film would have been black and white. Color was considered quite a luxury at the time, and frankly, the color did not look that good. Now, there were dozens of small digital video cameras recording the occasion. I must say I was impressed at the attendance. Nearly every chair was filled and many stood around the edges. I love these great school traditions. The practices, the scenery, the costumes... I'm so grateful to be able to witness the continuation of such events. Gabe's teacher is retiring next month. Peter Rabbit has been directed by her every spring for the last twenty years. May the tradition continue.

I loved Miss Sodergren, my kindergarten teacher at Pillsbury Elementary. I told my mom I was going to marry her when I grew up.